
HDU 3748 Equivalent mass

Problem Statement:
  • Given N elements, A[N], determine if it is possible to pick exactly K of them s.t. the sum is V. But you cannot pick Xth and Yth simultaneously, for some given pairs (X, Y). There are M such pairs.

  • 1 <= N <= 32
  • 1 <= A[i], V <= 10^9
  • 0 <= M <= 6
  • 0 <= K <= N

  1. Divide A[N] roughly into halves, S and T, s.t. each holds roughly the same number of elements.
  2. For each set, exhaust all (2||S|| for set S) possible configurations.
  3. Try to merge configurations of S and T to form a solution.
    i.e., If you find a way to pick M elements from S with sum = U, you will want to check if it is possible to pick K-M elements from T with sum = V - U.
  4. The checking can be done using a hash table/STL-map... etc.
  • Roughly O(2N/2) × [ O("Insertion+Query runtime") + O(M) ]
    (c.f., Point 1. below)

  1. Handle (X, Y) pair constraints.
    If X and Y are in S and T respectively, it could be difficult to handle. My implementation fixes every two elements which occur in the same constraint to be in set S. Although then |S| may not be ~= N/2, but |S| will be at most 2M.
  2. When K is large.
    Rephrase the problem as: Find N - K elements, s.t. the sum is ∑iA[i] - V.
    (Remind: Take extra care of the (X, Y) pair constraints.)

