Ch. 3 完成於 2010-09-30
- Separating Axis Theorem (2010-02-18)
Verified: UVA 11275, ... - 半平面交 - Expected O(N) 隨機算法 (2010-02-24)
Verified: POJ 3130, ... - 網絡最大流 - Dinic 算法 (2010-02-27)
Verfied: POJ 3649, ... - 網絡最大流/最小割應用 - 最大封閉權子圖 (2010-03-13)
Verfied: POJ 2987, ... - NIM @ CSC3270 (2010-03-21)
Verified: POJ 3537, ... - Discrete Logging (MOD P) - Baby-step, Giant-step Algorithm (2010-06-17)
Verified: POJ 2417 - 半平面交 - O(N lg N) ZZY 算法 (2010-06-29)
Verified: POJ 1279
Wrong Answer: UVa 11756 - 旋轉卡殼 (Rotating Calipers) (2010-07-21)
凸多邊形間最短距離 - O(N+M) - Verified: POJ 3608
凸多邊形間最大距離 - O(N+M)
凸多邊形直徑 - O(N) - Verified: POJ 2187 - Farey Sequence - O(N lg N) (2010-??-??)
1) ICPC 4275 - Point in Convex Polygon - 純粹二分 - O(lg N) (2010-10-10)
Verified: SGU 253 - Two-Phase Method - Phase I (2010-11-14)
Verified: PKU 3477 - Two-Phase Method - Phase 1+2 (2010-11-27)
Verified: ICPC 4027 - 三維線段最近距離 (2010-12-09)
Verified: PKU 2913 - O(3^N) 枚舉所有集合的子集 (2011-02-06)
Verified: SRM 491 600
Online Judge (單題練習):
Solved:- Ural 1775 Space Bowling 2D-Geometry, Separating Axis Theorem
- PKU 2731 ACM(ACronymMaker) DP, Memorized Search
- Ural 1464 Light 2D-Geometry, Visibility, Sweep-line Algorithm
- Ural 1058 Chocolate 撒點水過
- ZJU 3376 Safest Points 廣搜
- ZJU 3379 Master Spark 極角排序, 線性數描
- Ural 1340
- PKU 3378
- ICPC 4275
- PKU 2729
- PKU 1066
- ICPC 4025
- ICPC 3667
- ICPC 2947
- ICPC 2929
- PKU 3747
- UVa 11422
- PKU 1743
- PKU 3608
- HDU 3644
- Codeforces 30E
- Codeforces 60E
- SRM 498 1000 Knapsack + Inclusion-Exclusion + nCr
- SRM 499 1000 SCC + Longest Path on DAG + nCr
C(33,3) * 50 - SRM 481 1000 Bipartite-Matching + BSearch + nCr
C(15,7) * 16^3 * log(32*10^6) - PKU 2903 3D Geom, 2D Grid + BFS
- HDU 3558
- HDU 3227
- UVa 11815
- PKU 3285
- Ural 1265
- ZJU 3378
- PKU 3643
- PKU 3474
- PKU 2401
- AIZU 2114
- ICPC 3193
- UVa 11756
- HUST 2017
- PKU 2069
- PKU 3521
- UVa 746
- PKU 2913
2009 年學習進度(比較慢 -_-):
09 Jan | Monotone Chain PKU 2823 |
10 Jan | Monotone Chain (Con't) PKU 2019 |
11 Jan | 3D-Block-Rotation UVa 197 |
16 Feb | 1/0 Weighted Graph -> BFS UVa 11573 |
19 Feb | Inclusion-Exclusion ICPC 4184 |
21 Feb | Segment Tree (Static; RMQ) PKU 2104 |
23 Feb | Trie (Shortest Prefix) PKU 2001 |
27 Feb | Trie (Disk Tree) PKU 1760 |
02 Mar | Size of SubTree by BFS ICPC 4390 |
04 Mar | RMQ - <O(N), O(sqrt(N))> PKU 3264 |
24 Apr | Classical Searching PKU 1011 |
26 Apr | Expected Value - Probability PKU 3156 |
18 May | Median Heap - O(Lg N) Query UVa 10107 |
22 May | Circular Convex Hull PKU 3405 |
27 May | Point In/Out-side Concave Polygon PKU 2966 |
2 June | Radix Sort <O(N*LgbN)> PKU 2388 |
2 June | *Backward DP - Coin Change UVa 11517 |
4 June | DP - Coins - O<MN> PKU 1742 |
8 June | Constrained Difference - Shortest Path ICPC 4242 |
10 June | Constrained Difference - Shortest Path PKU 1364 |
11 June | N Queen - Heuristic Repair ICPC 3388 |
13 June | General Form of Pythagoras Triple UVa 106 |
16 June | *SPFA ICPC 4435 |
26 June | *Winding Number Algorithm (Point In/Out Polygon) PKU 2462 |
29 June | *SLF : SPFA Optimization PKU 3159 |
02 July | *Rotating Caliper - Farthest Pair PKU 2187 |
02 July | *Rotating Caliper - Smallest Bounding Rectangle UVa 10173 |
21 Nov | *Suffix Array - Application of Height Function ICPC 4513 |