
Learning Progress

18/02/2010 - Separating Axis Theorem
24/02/2010 - Randomized 2D-LP - Expected O(N)
PKU 3130 How I Mathematician Wonder What You Are! (Existence of Kernel)
27/02/2010 - Dinic - O(NM^2) [+Opt]
PKU 3649 Dual Core CPU (Binary Labeling, Min-Cut)
13/03/2010 - Maximum Weight Closure by Min-Cut(N, M)
PKU 2987 Firing (Min-Cut)
21/03/2010 - Nim Game [Revisited]
PKU 3537 Crosses and Crosses
20/05/2010 - DP on Tree + Counting / Leftmost-Child-Right-Sibling / Knapsack
ICPC 4685 Succession
17/06/2010 - Discrete Logarithm - Baby Step and Giant Step Algorithm
PKU 2417 Discrete Logging
29/06/2010 - Half-Plane Intersection - O(N lg N) (ZZY)

